Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On being a wikihead

I love using new technology, especially if it means I can do something different with a class. I've tried blogs, and Twitter, and Second Life (really didn't work), and back in the last century I had my own website.

Last winter I discovered wikis. Specifically, WetPaint. I had been making a class of Architecture Technology students write and publish a book, but the third time through turned into too much damn work for me. I wanted the whole class to work on a single project, and I thought of trying a wiki. It was great. The students liked it (most of them), the chair of Building Technology liked it. So I've decided to try it in some other classes.

Here's the site of the project I did last semester: .

I'll post the sites I'm going to use this fall in my next post, with explanations. I'm going to use this blog to keep track of myself. Anyone who wants to follow along can do so on Twitter: @profwendy.